  • 學位論文

台灣電子產業自有品牌與代工品牌競合關係之研究 -以D公司不斷電系統為例

A Research on Coopetition Relationship When Transforming from ODM toward OBM -A Case Study of D Company UPS Product in Taiwan Electronics Industry

指導教授 : 嚴奇峰


台灣OEM與ODM業務的利潤,在其他新興國家興起的環境中倍受擠壓,因此,許多原本專注於專業代工的製造企業也都紛紛投入發展附加價值較高的自創品牌業務行列。自創品牌與代工並存的經營模式是一個必經過程,如何配合廠商自身的競爭與合作策略思維來達到建立品牌的目標是目前業者急需思考的議題。 本研究採個案研究法,以D公司不斷電系統為個案,經由個案公司的專家訪談與次級資料的分析和整理後研究不斷電系統相關產業之現況及產業鏈上、中、下游的關係,接著以D公司為核心,根據Brandenburger & Nalebuff(1996)所提的價值網理論及合作的動機、競爭的動機和競合的動機為干擾因素,嘗試以垂直和水平的關係進一步分析市場上所存在的競合模式。最後以D公司為核心透過企業網絡中的二位體和三位體分析解釋ODM轉OBM營運並行時,個案D公司與其價值網中主要參賽者的競合運作狀況。 本研究主要結論如下:1.並非所有的OEM/ODM客戶在ODM轉形成為OBM的並行過程中都會成為其競爭者,其關係的變化端賴雙方的策略相互依賴,當ODM所選定的市場與原ODM顧客的市場趨近重疊或產品相似時,雙方的關係會由單純的合作轉變為合中有競。2.改變賽局的五大要素(PARTS)的項目可改變賽局,帶進互補者是可提升自己附加價值的方法。3.以權力分配為起點分析三位體,分析第三方關係能協助企業了解自身及其相關參賽者的權力大小協助企業作更理性決策。 因為僅以一家個案公司探討營業模式為由ODM轉OBM發展且為轉型初期,本研究方向偏重於供應鏈中、下游部份的競合關係轉變,目前只研究二位體與三位體的競合關係,同時因為轉型初期在發展OBM策略對於營運績效貢獻尚待觀察,故建議1.未來可擴大觀察不同產業轉OBM的營運模式的競合關係。2.串連供應鏈上游一起研究ODM轉OBM發展時,在整個價值網中的各個角色之間的互動關係,及以四位體或五位體的競合關係進行研究。3.可持續觀察OBM策略對廠商營運績效的影響。


The profits of OEM and ODM business in Taiwan are severely squeezed by the emergence of the other developing countries. Therefore, lots of companies, those originally focused on contract manufacturing business, become devoted to own branding with a higher added-value. That the business models of the own branding and contract manufacturing both coexisted at the same time is a necessary process. Hence, it is a very critical issue for the management to think over how to leverage between the competition and strategic alliance to reach the goal of branding awareness. The case study is adopted by taking UPS product of Company D as an example. Through the interviews with specialists, the analyses on the secondary information and the studies on current UPS industrial market as well as its relationship of upstream and downstream in industrial chain, then according to Brandenburger & Nalebuff’s(1966) theory of the value net, Cooperation motive, Competition motive and Coopetition motive as Interruption Elements, the model of existing coopetition is further analyzed under the vertical and horizontal relations. Finally, the coopetition situation of Company D is explained by means of Dyad and Triad in enterprises’ network, it shows how major partners can operate simultaneously with Company D, when its transformation from ODM to OBM. The conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. Not all of ODM/OEM customers will become competitors when certain company transforms its business model from ODM to OBM. The change of the business relationship between the company and its ODM customers depends on their mutual strategy. If the geographic markets tend to be overlapped or the product categories are near to be similar, the relationship of pure cooperation is changed to cooperation and competition (Coopetition). 2. The game change can be resulted from the variations of five elements (PARTS). Added-value can be enhanced by bringing the complementary. 3. Power distribution is a starting point when analyzing Triad. The status analysis of the third parties could assist the enterprise in having more understandings itself and knowing the power weights of their partners, and then help the business to make a right strategic decision. One case study is adopted here to reveal the business transforming from ODM to OBM. Since this business transformation is just at initial stage, the study is therefore emphasized on the change of coopetition relationship in the downstream of supply chain and is only focused on the coopetition relationship of Dyad and Triad. In addition, OBM is at initial stage, so the business strategy of developing OBM model still needs further observations at the viewpoint of operation performance. Therefore, the suggestions are listed below. 1. The business scope of observing coopetition relationship in transforming from ODM to OBM can be extended to the different industries. 2. The upstream in the supply chain should be taken into account. Such can watch on the interaction of all roles in the whole value network when the business transforming from ODM to OBM, and at last put the coopetiton relationship of Tetrad or Pentagon into the study. 3. The impact of the developing OBM strategy on the operation performance keep constant observed.




