  • 期刊


Strategies for Developing the 2010 E-society of Taiwan


本研究的目的在於進行公元二○一○年台灣網路化社會的發展策略分析,以提出一個優先發展課題與策略性建議。在本文中,首先針對網路化社會之歷史演進進行探討,其中如WWW的發明及九一一恐怖攻擊等社會事件,對社會造成重大的衝擊。接著針對世界各國的網路化社會資訊政策及其推動的情形加以分析了解,主要包括數位落差的研究、電子商務之推廣及電子化政府之推動主作及政策。為了有效提出策略性建議,藉由SWOT模式分析國內之各項優勢及可能的機會,進而提出五大項網路化社會的行動綱領,優良的資訊基礎建設,配合全民資訊能力的提升為基礎,積極進行創新產業經濟、推動服務政府及豐富多元社會,建構出以信任(trust)為基礎、以人為本的中心思想之資訊社會。 一個優質的網路化社會不僅在資訊技術、硬體設備及資訊內容上具有優勢,社會成員普遍應該具有對資訊接收及處理能力的素質。有了這樣的基礎,才有能力進一步應用到產業經濟、公共事務、社會文化的發展。以良好的人文素養配合高科技的環境,使台灣在二○一○年建構出一個人文與科技並重之優質網路社會。


This research aims at developing the action plans of 2010 E-society in Taiwan to set the priority and provide strategic policy for future development. There are five major chapters in this report. First, roots and historical development of technology and its social impacts are reviewed. Secondly, we compare national information polices and strategies among several advanced countries. Thirdly, a SWOT analysis is employed to understand the limitation and opportunity for future development in Taiwan. Fourth, five action plans--the advanced information infrastructure, digital literate citizens, competitive and innovative commerce, service-oriented government, and multi-cultural society are addressed in the chapter. In the final section, we propose a trust-based, human-centered network society will be built in Taiwan in the year of 2010. For a high quality network society, not only the development of accessible, appropriate technology and relevant content are important, but also a skilled workforce and digital literate citizens are crucial to transform production processes, commerce, education, government, citizen participation and all other aspects of our individual and collective lives. With a high-tech based environment with human-centered society, Taiwan will build a superior humanitarian-technical network society in 2010.


