  • 期刊


The Effects of Virtual Reality and Product Involvement on Consumer Learning


科技日新月異,隨著網路技術發展日趨成熟,消費者選購商品時可透過網路迅速取得產品資訊,網路購物逐漸成為消費者新的購物管道。因此,要如何吸引消費者對網站商品的注意,成為網路商店賣家的主要經營方針。近年來,虛擬實境已被電子商務網站應用於網路商品展示上,希望能透過虛擬實境所提供豐富的影音多媒體與高度互動能力來吸引消費者的注意,帶給消費者更深刻體驗挑選商品的感受,從而影響消費者的購買意願。本研究主要目的為瞭解虛擬實境對消費者學習的影響,透過因子實驗設計,以介面設計(虛擬實境/靜態圖面)為組內因子,產品類別(高涉入/低涉入)為組間因子,利用Zaichkowsky's PII(Personal Involvement Inventory)涉入量表進行前測,從四項產品中找出兩項產品分別代表高、低涉入產品,再分別使用靜態圖片和動態虛擬實境來呈現兩項高低涉入的產品。本研究提出不同的資訊呈現方式會顯著影響消費者的學習效果,而虛擬實境的呈現方式相對於靜態圖片會增加消費者的產品知識、對產品的態度、及購買意願。而高涉入產品利用虛擬實境呈現對消費者學習會優於低涉入產品。研究結果擬做為虛擬實境應用在電子商務上的參考依據。


As E-commerce becomes more pervasive because of the advanced Web technologies, consumers can get product information via internet rapidly, and online shopping becomes a new shopping channel. How to attract consumers' attention is the online shopping websites' main concern. The employment of virtual reality (VR) on the internet has been prominence recently as it enables consumers to experience products realistically over the internet. VR provides high-quality three-dimensional image of products, interactivity with the product, and telepresence enhances consumer learning about products. With the application of VR, online shopping websites can attract consumers to make purchasing decisions. The objective of this study is to examine the effect of VR on consumer learning. A 2*2 factorial experiment was conducted. The within-subject factor is interface design (VR and static), and the between-subject factor is product involvement (high and low). The study adopted Zaichkowsky's Personal Involvement Inventory (PII) scale to distinguish high involvement product and low involvement product. The study demonstrates consumers' product knowledge, attitudes, and purchase intentions toward products presented with VR interface significantly higher than static interface, and the impacts of VR interface on consumers' product knowledge, attitudes, and purchase intentions are stronger with higher product involvement.


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