  • 期刊


An Efficient One-Time Credit Card Payment Scheme with Delayed Verification




Along with the blooming development of E-commerce over the Internet, Internet payment systems become increasingly important. Each Internet payment system has its own characteristics in payment mechanism and applied environment. Although these payment systems provide much convenience via network and other media, various security and efficiency issues are to be investigated. Among current payment systems, banks play an important role in generation and verification of payment credentials used in the payment systems. To provide a secure payment service, a lot of computation cost and maintenance overhead is usually required in banks. As more electronic commerce services are provided in the Internet, it is important to improve the performance of the current payment systems, especially the performance of banks in processing a number of payment transactions. In this paper, we propose an efficient credit card payment system based on one-time credit card transaction numbers. Compared with previous approaches, the proposed system achieves better performance in the verification of one-time credit card numbers, especially when delayed verifications are allowed. We further propose a new way to generate one-time credit card numbers. The proposed method significantly improves the performance of credit card number verification.


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