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Expert Meetings in the Environmental Impact Assessment Process: The Framed Expert's Rationality




The government often relies on expert assessments as the basis for their decision making reference when faced with the intricate environmental and technological problems. But a growing number of studies have indicated that expert reliant risk management models are fraught with many limitations. Even so, experts still play a pivotal role in influencing the assessments and judgments of the decision makers and the public during the modern risk decision-making process. In Taiwan, the EPA has developed the ”expert meeting” mechanism in the EIA review process since 2008, hoping to resolve major environmental disputes with the ”citizen participation-expert representation” approach. But the effectiveness of this approach has remained controversial since its implementation. To understand the issue of how the expert meetings operate within the EIA system, this article investigates the expert meetings during the major EIA controversies; to examine the scientific knowledge production process, discuss the expert's role in the decision making mechanism, and to analyze the risk interpretation and governance viewpoint hidden behind the current system model. Through the in depth interviews and focus discussions on the experiences and viewpoints of the meeting experts and participants, with supplementation of relevant meeting minutes, newspaper clippings, and other secondary data, this paper intends to present the government's environmental risk management model and characteristics. The study revealed that the institutional design of existing expert meetings has failed to produce better scientific knowledge for environmental assessment. The ambiguity of its function and position has further placed ”expert meeting” in a conflicting and awkward position against ”citizen participation.” This article further recommends reform directions and system adjustments of the EIA process under the premise of quality improvement.


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