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After Participation? Mainland Spouses' Political Actions and Identity in Taiwan




Facing Taiwan's sociopolitical hostility and gender patriarchy, Mainland spouses have experienced the sense of confusion and the loss of identity. How do they react to this trapped situations? Do their voicing actions change their status and political identity? And what has changed in their relationship with Taiwan as a political community? Our study adopts Simon and Klandermans' (2001) concept of "Politicalized Collective Identity" which argues that action and identity have a two-way interaction: the process of power struggle and political participation are the keys to individuals' identity development and reconstruction. From in-depth interviews and field research, we found that as mainland spouses try to change their situation, they encounter the regulations of political systems, internalize the norms of the political community, and take corresponding political actions approved by the system. Consequently, Mainland spouses strengthen their political agency as members of the system. Simultaneously, the political system's support for their actions not only affects their identity with the political community but also continues to influence their political participation in the future. Furthermore, there are diverse linkages and paths between Mainland spouses' identity with Taiwan and their choices of actions. From the interviewees, we not only find the active types of political action-"voice" and "exit", the ideal types coined by Hirshman, but also discover the more passive type of "alienation". The different patterns linking their attachment feelings and political actions reveal that the political identity of mainland spouses is formed and reified in the process of political action, which is in itself a process of diverse and heterogeneous politicization.


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