  • 期刊


Research on Burnout for Cosmetologist in the Department Store Cosmetic Counter


本研究目的旨在探討百貨公司化妝品專櫃的工作環境、美容從業人員工作倦怠情形,及工作環境與工作倦怠之關係,透過文獻探討及問卷調查,北、中、南地區百貨公司之美容從業人員,共計250名。以平均數、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、薛費(Scheffe's test)事後多重比較、多元逐步迴歸分析統計方法,結論如下:一、工作環境方面:對於工作環境變項的滿意程度介於「不滿意」到「沒意見」之間,其中以『同儕疑聚力』的不滿意程度最高;而在三個層面中,也以『人際關係』的滿意度最低。另外,服務年資較久者對於『人際關係』與『制度維持與改變』層面的不滿意程度明顯高於年資較輕者。二、工作倦怠方面:以『情緒耗竭』的情形最為明顯,其次為『缺乏成就感』,再其次『無人情味』。服務年資愈低者在『無人情味』和『缺乏成就感』的不滿意程度明顯高於服務年資較高者;每月平均收入較少者在『缺乏成就感』的不滿意程度高於收入較高者;公司規模較小者在『缺乏成就感』的不滿意程度高於公司規模較大者。三、工作環境與工作倦怠的關係:經由多元逐步迴歸分析結果發現,美容從業人員會因為與公司主管同事之間的人際關係、以及從事專櫃服務工作的負荷量影響,而產生工作倦怠感。


The major issue to be discussed in this article is to investigate the correlations between the working environment of the cosmetic counter in the department store and the burnout through articles being published and the 250 surveys being conducted over northern, mid and southern Taiwan region on the cosmetologist. With the dynamic gradually regression analysis on the mean, t test, one way ANOVA, Scheffe's tests, the conclusion is as follows: 1. In terms of working environment: for those who rank the degree of satisfaction level between ”not satisfied” and ”no comments”, the degree of dissatisfied ranks highest on the ”peer cohesiveness”. Also, between these three variables, the degree of satisfaction level ranks the lowest on ”interpersonal relationship”. In addition, for those senior employees, the degree of satisfaction level ranks relatively low on ”interpersonal relationship” and ”maintenance and change on system regulations” compared to the junior employees. 2. In terms of burnout ”Temper exhausting” is the most obvious condition and follows with ”lack of sense of achievement” and ”lack of emotional tie” respectively. For the junior employees, the degree of dissatisfaction level ranks higher on ”lack of emotional tie” and ”lack of sense of achievement” compared to the senior employees; for those with lower monthly income, the degree of satisfaction ranks lower on ”lack of sense of achievement” compared to the higher income employees. Employees who work in the organizations with smaller structure are less satisfied with the sense of achievement than those in the larger organization. 3. The correlation between the working environment and cosmetologist through the dynamic gradually regression analysis, the result is as follows: the onset of burnout among the cosmetologist depend upon the personal relationship between the managers and the staffs as well as the workload.


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