  • 期刊


A Program to Reduce Dental Plaque among Residents of a Nursing Home


2012 年05 月老人健檢,發現每位住民皆診斷有牙周病、牙齦炎疾病。本專案旨在降低牙菌斑殘留率。針對16 名照服員,進行口腔清潔認知評量,口腔清潔訪談及試劑檢測牙菌斑殘留率收集資料。將所有原因分類統整後,經特性要因分析牙菌斑殘留率高主要原因有:缺乏口腔清潔標準及正確清潔技巧、對口腔疾病認知不足、缺乏口腔清潔稽核、適當口腔清潔用物。經口腔清潔標準作業及稽核制度、規劃在職教育、製作口腔清潔紙本教材及多媒體光碟、清潔標準配備宣傳單、購置正確口腔清潔設備、示範教學與實作等介入後,照顧服務員口腔清潔認知由專案改善前平均40 分提昇至90 分、住民口腔牙菌斑殘留率由100% 下降至40%。


This study evaluated the reasons of high dental plaque build-up among residents of a nursing home. All elderlies in the nursing home were diagnosed with periodontitis in the May 2012 health check-up. As evidenced from the dental plaque data analysis, the high dental plaque build-up among the elderlies was caused by their insufficient oral healthcare knowledge and hygiene. Through causes and effects analysis, we deduced additional reasons of the high dental plaque build-up, including lacking of hygiene standard and techniques, limited understanding of oral diseases, insufficient oral hygiene examination and inappropriate tools for oral care. The oral hygiene among the residents was improved after the introduction of correct oral hygiene techniques and examination, scheduled oral care education, education using hardcopy and CD media publications for oral healthcare and brochures for using the standard cleaning equipment, purchase of appropriate oral hygiene tools, and demonstration and practice of oral healthcare. The interventions and education enhanced their oral hygiene knowledge from an average of 40 points to 90 points. The rate for dental plaque build-up for these elderlies also reduced from 100% to 40%.


dental plaque nursing home residents


