  • 期刊


The OSCE and Five-Year Junior Nursing Colleges in Taiwan: Development and Challenges


目的客觀結構式臨床測驗(Objective Structured Clinical Examination, OSCE)被認為是提升護理畢業生實作能力的有效策略之一。教育部近年來大量挹注經費,協助護理專科學校建置與發展客觀結構式臨床檢測,然其成效有待評估。本文的目的在於了解護理專科學校OSCE發展現況及其所面對的挑戰。方法採質性研究方式,研究進行期間為104年2-4月間,針對台灣12所護理專科學校的護理主管以焦點團體訪談收集資料,並以內容分析法進行分析與歸納。結果研究結果顯示有兩主題,主題一為「運作與展望」,主題二為「發展困境與突破」,研究顯示各校單位主管關切OSCE的運作現況、OSCE的效益評價、畢業生OSCE認證之可行性等議題,此外,面臨經費有限導致OSCE空間與設備不足、教師準備度與能量不足,並期待更多的跨院校合作機制。結論本研究所得資料有助了解台灣院校護理科OSCE之運作現況與困境,並提出相關的建言,提供後續發展OSCE相關護理技職教育、研究以及政策擬訂之參考。


Purposes The Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) was perceived as a useful strategy to increase nursing students' clinical competency. Over the past few years, the Ministry of Education in Taiwan has funded five-year junior nursing colleges to build OSCE centers and to develop the OSCE. However, there is a need to evaluate the effects. The aim of this study was to understand the development and challenges of the OSCE for five-year junior nursing colleges in Taiwan. Methods A qualitative approach was utilized. Data was collected using a focus group. The data were analyzed using content analysis. This study was conducted between February and April 2014. Results Two themes were found. The first was "management and expectations" and the second was "challenges and overcoming them". The findings reveal that the administrators had concerns about the issues of the current development of the OSCE, the effects of the OSCE on students and the possibility of taking the OSCE as the students’ graduation requirement. Most of the colleges were also facing current shortages in budgets, space and equipment. They expected more continuity in the teaching program designed for the staff and cooperation between the colleges. Conclusions The findings from this study enable a better understanding of the development and challenges regarding the OSCE for five-year junior nursing colleges in Taiwan. College nursing managers and government policy makers should take these into consideration and develop better policies regarding the development of the OSCE in five-year junior nursing colleges.
