  • 期刊


Study of the Hollowing-out of Taiwanese Industry and the Upgrading of Industrial Structure


台灣地理位置屬於海島型經濟,相對於歐美國家而言,經濟資源及市場腹地十分有限。在二次世界大戰戰後初期,全球低經濟成長的背景下,台灣歷經了1945年到1952年間實行的土地改革時期,1950年代美援及進口替代時期,1960年代出口擴張時期,1970年代重大公共工程建設時期,1980年代石油危機時期。台灣在農業改革時期產生的剩餘勞動力,大量移向工業部門,使得工業生產快速成長。國際分工為台灣產業產出提供了廣闊的外銷市場,也因此加速了台灣產業的迅速發展和產業結構升級,使得台灣得以在數十年間,躋身在國際經濟的舞臺之上,一躍成為新興工業化國家,經濟實力大幅成長,其主要得力於出口部門的快速拓展。 20世紀1980年代末至1990年代初,台灣由於受到新臺幣升值以及各項生產成本上升等因素,先後發生了以輕紡工業為代表的勞動密集型產業、以石化工業為代表的資本密集型產業大舉外移,製造業陸續向勞動成本低廉的東南亞地區進行投資;此一趨勢更在1990年代初期,台灣政府開放大陸投資政策之後愈形劇烈,導致台灣國內產業因大量從事直接對外投資而引起“產業空洞化”之隱憂。台灣經濟能否持續地成長,正面臨著國際經濟環境重大的挑戰。


Geographically Taiwan is an island economy; compared to Europe and America, economic resources and market size is very limited. Initially after World War II with low global economic growth, Taiwan experienced land reform from 1945 to 1952, US economic aid and import substitution in the 1950's, export expansion in the 1960's, large scale public infrastructure investment in the 1970's, and oil crisis in the 1980's. The labor surplus created during agricultural reform fueled the rapid growth of industry. International division of labor created large export market for Taiwanese industries, and accelerated the rapid expansion of its industry and the Upgrading of the Industrial Structure. In a few decades, Taiwan became a player on the international economic stage, and became a newly industrialized country. This growth in economic power is based on the rapid expansion of exports. During the end of the 1980's and the beginning of the 1990's, because of the rise of the New Taiwan Dollars and the increase of the cost of various components of production, Taiwanese industries moved overseas en masse. This is represented by labor intensive industries such as textile manufacturing, and capital intensive industries such as petrochemicals. Taiwanese manufacturing industry continuously invested in low labor cost regions within Southeast Asia. This trend greatly accelerated after the Taiwanese government opened up the investment in China, causing the concern of the hollowing-out of Taiwanese industries by large scale direct investment overseas. The ability of the Taiwanese economy to continue to grow is facing severe challenges from the international economic environment.
