  • 學位論文


The Study of Future Industrial Park Development Strategy in Taiwan

指導教授 : 張重昭


台灣地區的產業園區開發創造大量的產業集中發展,帶動產業發展的聚集經濟效益與台灣整體的經濟發展。近年來由於外在環境的改變,過去的成功經驗已成為現在發展的包袱,但同時間台灣也面臨東南亞、大陸、與印度等新興經濟體的加入競爭,且因新科技的發展,產業的生產、經營、管理等模式也在不斷的創新發展中,因此如何運用既有產業園區資源,由聚集經濟效應、供應鏈管理、廠商產品與經驗等利基重新出發,同時研擬產業園區再發展之轉型策略,以提升產業園區之競爭力,創造進駐產業園區廠商之附加價值,是我國產業園區轉型發展的方向。 我國產業園區過去的發展策略主要在強調生產導向與成本導向,但是近年的科學工業園區的發展策略則已明顯的開始朝向顧客導向與差異化策略方向發展,我們如果把產業園區視為一個商品,廠商視為顧客,產業園區希望創造其對顧客(廠商)的價值,可以由三方面著手。一是降低廠商的成本,一是增加顧客進入園區後的附加價值、最後一個手段則是創造其互補者。由此三個角度來看,我國未來產業園區的轉型發展策略應該朝向: 1. 確認產業園區發展策略定位與市場區隔 2. 重建產業園區之差異化並提升附加價值 3. 建立產業園區的品牌 4. 創造顧客價值 5. 建立永續經營的開發與經營管理模式 6. 整合政府資源加速產業群聚成形 7. 整合性資訊平台的建立 8. 建立既有產業園區先佔優勢並避免新設產業園區後進劣勢 目前政府部門亟需辦理事項則有: 1.應儘速協調既有產業園區的發展策略 2.整合既有產業園區,建立互補機制 3.整合政府資源協助產業園區創造顧客價值 4. 建構關鍵性成功因素 同時政府也應該協助民間部門積極從事下列的工作來促進產業園區的發展: 1. 確立產業園區的發展需求 2. 整合需求建立群聚 3. 參與經營管理,提升產業園區管理效能


發展策略 產業園區


The industrial park development model in Taiwan is very unique that no government money is used although the government has actively involved the industrial park development system. Traditionally, the industrial park development strategy in Taiwan is production-oriented and cost-oriented. Since the development of Science-based Industrial Park, it is evident that the development strategy has moved toward customer-oriented and product differentiation. A new strategy for industrial park transformation development is needed to meet the demand in the competing industrial environment. In order to create value for industrial park customers, there are three alternative ways, including: lowering down customer opportunity cost, increasing customer willing to pay, and providing a complementary environment to meet all customers’ needs. For the future industrial park transformation development, this research strongly suggested that the government sector should integrate the functions of all different kinds of industrial park in order to create complementary effects between existing industrial parks. At the same time, the private sector should integrate the individual factory needs to help government sector to plan and create clustering effect. Private sector should involve the operation and management of industrial park as well in order to upgrading the efficiency of industrial park operation.


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