  • 學位論文


Relationship between Investing Environment and Corporate Competitiveness - Study on Three Major Science Parks in Taiwan


細數台灣高科技產業的發展史,均與科學園區共榮共生,不但陪伴許多企業從初生走到茁壯,其獨具的群聚效益更將台灣科技產業不斷推向世界舞台。根據2010年經濟部工業局資料顯示,台灣的IC代工、IC封裝為全球排名第一、IC設計全球排名第二,僅次於美國,優異表現使台灣經濟發展經驗堪稱開發中國家經濟發展的楷模。而台積電董事長張忠謀(2010)指出:「科學園區在台灣高科技產業的發展過程中,扮演非常重要的角色,也是台積電之所以能夠享譽全球,得以立足台灣、放眼全球、在全球半導體業發光的重要支持」,顯示科學園區不僅引領台灣高科技產業迅速騰飛、帶動經濟發展,更是孕育台灣企業成長茁壯的重要搖籃。也由於竹科的成功經驗,加上產業發展的需求與區域平衡發展的目標,南科與中科相繼應運而生。 本研究主要探討中科、南科在複製竹科經驗之下,藉由以地理環境、政治環境、經濟環境、社會環境、科技環境五構面建構的環境競爭力;以園區軟實力以及環境硬實力建構的園區競爭力;以及以企業策略力、企業創新力、企業技術力、企業人資力建構的企業競爭力等三構面,並透過台灣三大科學園區之進駐廠商為研究對象,分別檢視台灣三大科學園區在環境競爭力、園區競爭力、企業競爭力,企圖使台灣西部之科技走廊能發揮綜效,甚至超越竹科成就,再次讓台灣科學園區能化身為高科技發展的織布機,編織經濟發展的美麗綢緞。 經由本研究實證指出,科學園區所身處的環境競爭力的確會對園區競爭力造成影響,且園區競爭力亦會影響園區企業之競爭力,顯示三者環環相扣,息息相關。再者,不同的科學園區在環境競爭力、園區競爭力、企業競爭力上有所差異,但企業特性的不同在三者上的差異卻沒有太大差別,意涵著企業成立年資長短、資本額的大小、員工人數的多寡不是重點,能否進入對的園區才最為重要。而在環境、園區、企業競爭力三者的分析中,竹科均凌駕於中科、南科之上,可見得要達到與竹科不分軒輊的競爭力仍需要時間的考驗。過去竹科透過IC代工一躍而起,未來新興產業將可能成為中科與南科延續竹科模式後再創經營典範的機會之一。最後,隨著科技的發展與經營環境的變化,美國矽谷已不再是矽晶圓的製造重鎮,而是創新文化的表率與標竿,故也期許中科、南科,甚至整體台灣科學園區能真正向美國矽谷看齊,從單一矽谷釀造出創新致勝的矽島。


Reviewing the history of Taiwan-High-tech industrial development, it is intergrowth and co-prosperity with science parks. Not only keep many companies company to grow up, but also has unique cluster advantage for promoting Taiwan technology industry to the world. According to the data from Taiwan industrial development, ministry of economic affairs (2010), Taiwan IC foundry industry and packaging industry ranks the first place in the world, and IC design industry ranks the second place, following behind the American.The great performance even became the model for the world to look up and learn from. The TSMC’s CEO Morris Chang(2010)said that science park plays an important role in Taiwan-High-tech industrial development, but also is a support of TSMC cause great sensation internationally. Owing to the successful experience of Hcinchu Science Park, the need of industrial development, and the goal of regional balance, Central Taiwan Science Park, Sothern Taiwan Science Park emerged. The paper was intended as an investigation of CTSP’s, STSP’s and HSP’s competitiveness of environment, science park and corporate. And rhe population in this study is firms of HSP, CTSP and STSP. The construct of environment competitiveness is divided into five dimensions as geography environment, political environment, economic environment, social environment, and technological environment; the science park’s competitiveness is divided into two dimensions as soft power and hard power; the corporate competitiveness is divided into four dimensions as strategy ability, innovation ability, technology ability, and the ability of human resoures management. The hypotheses test results support that science park competitiveness of environment really cause influence to the competitiveness of a science park. And the competitiveness of a science park also has a significant impact on the competitiveness of corporates. Besides, different science park has effect on their competitiveness of environment, science park and corporate. There are no significant correlations between the age, capital, and the employees of the business and the competitiveness of environment, science park and corporate. It means that the most important is entering a right science park for a company. Concerning the competitiveness of environment, science park and corporate, HSP is better than CTSP and STSP. It shows that they still need time to reach the same competitiveness as HSP.


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