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A Study of Advertising Effects of Internet Advertising and Flag Advertising-An Example of Advertising of 2003 University Game in R.O.C 2003 Universiade


本研究之目的在探討比較不同媒介廣告的廣告效果之差異;探討閱聽眾的個人特質與人口統計變數是否使廣告效果形成差異。並以92年全國大專院校運動會之網路與旗幟廣告為研究範圍,就其廣告態度、產品態度、產品接受度等效果指標加以評估。 研究樣本以便利取樣方式,選取八所大專校院學生為研究對象,回收有效問卷共計340份。經資料分析結論如下: 一、旗幟廣告之廣告態度效果較網路廣告佳,且因各廣告之呈現效果、內容不同,促使廣告效果形成差異。 二、廣告涉入程度愈高,廣告效果愈佳。 三、廣告媒介態度愈佳,廣告效果愈佳。 四、媒介接觸程度不同,其廣告效果亦不同。 五、人口統計變數對廣告效果有影響。此外,根據本研究發現,提出行銷相關建議以供運動賽會活動相關單位在行銷策略上之參考。 一、應加強網路廣告之呈現效果。 二、應針對主要目標市場族群制定媒體計劃。 三、應充分應用旗幟廣告之特殊性。 四、應加強特殊群體之行銷宣傳工作。 五、應加強電子化之相關工作。 六、應加強整合性行銷之工作。


The purposes of this study were to investigate and compare the advertising effects among different media properties, and to explore the effects of personality characteristics and demographics on the advertising effects. Furthermore, this study was within the Internet advertising and flag advertising of 2003 Universiade. The advertising effects were evaluated with advertising attitude, product attitude and participate desire. The study adopted convenience sampling. Subjects were 340 students from 8 universities. The collected data was analyzed by descriptive statistics method, t-test and ANOVA. The results were as follows: 1. The advertising attitude of flag advertising was better than Internet's. Because of the advertising effect. 2. Advertising involvement was relevant to the advertising effects in the study. 3. Attitude toward the advertising was relevant to the advertising effects in the study. 4. The level of media contact was relevant to the advertising effects in the study. 5. Demographics were relevant to the advertising effects in the study. Finally, the researcher of this study made suggestions based on the results: 1. It is necessary to emphasize presentation impression of Internet advertising. 2. To make the media plan base on the characteristics of target market group. 3. To apply adequately the characteristic of flag advertising. 4. It is necessary to emphasize marketing for particular group. 5. It is necessary to emphasize electronic on sport events. 6. It is necessary to emphasize integrated marketing communications.


方世榮譯、Philip Kotler原著(1998)。行銷管理學。台北:東華書局。


