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Relationships among Self-efficacy, Job Involvement, and Creative Teaching of Yunlin and Chiayi Area Junior High School Physical Education Teachers


本研究目的是在瞭解教師之不同背景變項,在自我效能、工作投入與創意教學表現上是否有顯著差異,並驗證中學體育教師的自我效能、工作投入以及創意教學表現之影響關係。資料收集採用「自我效能量表」、「工作投入量表」與「創意教學量表」等進行問卷調查。資料分析包含 t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、Scheffe 法事後比較與 PLS 統計分析。研究結果指出:在教師不同背景變項方面,發現教師的職稱與教學年資對自我效能表現,達顯著差異;教師的年齡、教育程度、職稱與教學年資對工作投入表現,達顯著差異;專任或兼代教師對創意教學表現,達顯著差異。由 PLS 統計分析本研究假設模式結果發現:一、教師的一般教學效能與個人教學效能,對工作投入的活力投入、專注投入和奉獻投入,都具有正向影響關係。二、教師的一般教學效能與個人教學效能,對教師創意教學表現的認知創意、技能創意和情意創意,都具有正向影響關係。三、教師工作投入的專注投入,對教師創意教學表現的認知創意、技能創意和情意創意,三個構面都具有正向影響關係。而活力投入與奉獻投入,對教師創意教學表現的認知創意、技能創意和情意創意,皆未達顯著影響。結論:為教師本身的一般教學效能與個人教學效能,對工作投入與創意教學表現皆有顯著正向影響關係,但在教師工作投入的活力投入與奉獻投入上,應加強教師本身對工作熱忱精力以及奉獻投入教學的精神。本研究可供中學體育教師及日後研究之參考。


This study attempted to understand the differences among teachers of different backgrounds concerning self-efficacy, job involvement, and creative teaching. Furthermore, this study attempted to verify the relationships among self-efficacy, job involvement, and creative teaching. Data were collected using questionnaires that investigated self-efficacy, job involvement, and creative teaching. The data were analyzed by using a t-test, one-way ANOVA, the Scheffé method, and partial least squares regression. The results indicated that under different background variables, the teachers’ titles and teaching experience were significantly correlated with self-efficacy. The teachers’ ages, education degrees, job titles, and teaching years were significantly correlated with job involvement. Full-time and adjunct teachers were significantly correlated with creative teaching. The following results were obtained using the structural model to analyze the research hypothesis. (1) The teachers’ general teaching efficacy and personal teaching efficacy positively influenced aspects of their job involvement that are vitality, concentration, and dedication. (2) The teachers’ general teaching efficacy and personal teaching efficacy positively influenced aspects of their creative teaching performance including creative cognition, creative skills, and creative affection. (3) The teachers’ concentration positively influenced their creative cognition, creative skills, and creative affection. However, involvement of vitality and dedication demonstrated no significant correlation with creative cognition, creative skills, and creative affection. According to these results, the conclusion drawn in this study is that the teachers’ general teaching efficacy and personal teaching efficacy positively influence their job involvement and creative teaching performance. Nevertheless, the effect of teachers’ involvement of vitality and dedication on their general job involvement should enhance their enthusiasm and energy for their job and inspire their dedication to teaching. The research results can serve as a reference for future studies such as research for junior or high school physical education teachers or other related research.




