  • 期刊


An Analysis for the Gas Station Installation of Environmental Perception in Urban Areas: A Case Study of CPC'S Tu-Cheng Gas Station



隨著大眾生活水準的提升,環境意識的高漲,社會街頭運動的發生與多元化,都市地區加油站設置引起居民不安與抗爭時有所聞。但是,在既有的加油站四周依然住家林立,人口稠密,在生活環境品質及公共安全疑慮之下,鄰近居民對於加油站設置的環境識覺是值得探討的問題。 本研究目的主要探討都市地區民眾對於加油站設置影響生活環境品質的環境識覺,檢視民眾對於生活環境品質認知之差異性、態度與行爲。設計問卷採用系統採樣,利用單因子變異數分析法(One-Way ANOVA)及薛費法(Scheffen method)比較分析加油站設置對於鄰近地區生活環境品質認知之差異性。研究結果期望能提供相關單位作爲加油站改善鄰近地區生活環境品質之依據並且加強加油站之管理之參考。 影響居住環境品質最重要的因素是「增加學童活動空間之危險性」,居民考慮搬遷的最重要原因是「公共危險性、安全顧慮」。加油站設置具有「加油方便」之利益,但民眾卻要忍受「有危險性、公共安全性之顧慮」、「增加學童活動空間之危險性」、「交通流量增加、道路擁塞進出不便」、「灰塵、落塵增加,影響空氣品質」等不利之生活環境品質爲代價。反應出當地居民的環境識覺採取容忍的態度。 建議修正「加油站設置管理規則」,加油站設置宜考量與住家的安全範圍,應規範最小適當距離,並且規定住宅區不准許新設加油站。


With the upgrading of the public life standard, the promotion of the consciousness of environmentalism, as well as the outburst and diversification of social movements on the street, the unsettlement and hard struggle among the residents aroused by the installation of gas stations in the urban area is not an unfamiliar temperament among the urban people. As a matter of fact, as the areas around the existing gas stations are often densely populated with buildings connecting to one another, when bringing into consideration the living environment quality and the possible threat for public safety, this environmental perception of the residents for the installation of these gas stations has really become an important issue worthwhile to explore in depth. The main emphasis of this research is laid on the environmental perception of the urban people for the influence to their living environment quality because of the installation of gas stations, while, at the same time, examining the diversification, attitudes and behavior of these people for the perception of their living environment quality. The questionnaire designed adopts a systematic specimen approach, employing One-Way ANOVA and Scheffe method to compare and analyze the perceptual variations for the environment quality change resulted from the installation of gas station in the neighborhood. It is expected that the result of such a research could be a valuable reference for the authority concerned in the improvement of the neighborhood around the gas station, as well as for the enforcement of better management for such public utilities. The factor regarded as most influential to the quality of the residential environment is that ”which may increase the threat to the area where school children move about”; the major reason that may lead to the movement of the residents is ”the threat to the public places and their safety”. While the setting-up of a gas station may bring about the benefit of the convenience in gassing up, it gives the people the undesirable side-effects of ”uneasiness for public activities and safety”, ”threat to the activity area of the schoolchildren”, ”the expanding of the traffic, resulting in the inconvenience of entrance and exiting through the roads”, and ”the increasing of dust and grime, affecting the air for breathing”. This reflects the tolerant attitude of the residents as much as the environmental perception is concerned. Therefore, we advise the modification of the concerning regulations for the installation of gas stations. The safety range of the residential area should be put into consideration when new gas stations are to be installed, the acceptable minimal distance between the station and the nearby buildings be specified, and good rules be set up to really keep gas stations out of residential areas.


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