  • 期刊

Effect of Berm Width on Step Style Dike to Wave Runup



當階梯海堤斜面上有平台存在時,由於平台堰流效應,堤面上波浪溯升高度將會有顯著的降低現象。其次,應用能量守恆理論,波浪相對溯升高可以加以求得。此外,van der Meer (1992)的經驗計算式亦被應用於本研究中以推算波浪相對溯升高並將之與本研究試驗量測資料加以比較,結果顯示平台寬度越大,堤面上波浪相對溯升高度的降低量亦越大,惟當平台寬達於七公分後,其降低效應即變得有限。


If there has berm build on the surface of the step style dike then the height of wave runup will decrease significantly due to the weir effect of water flow over the berm. By using the theory of conservation of mass, the decrease rate of the height of wave runup can be calculate. The empirical equations that proposed by van der Meer etc. (1992) is quoted to calculate the height of wave runup also and use it to compare with the measuring data which obtained from the experiment in this study. The correlation between the relative height of wave runup and the surf similarity parameter in various berm widths shows the weir effect of the berm has significant in decrease the height of wave runup. It indicate the more the berm width increase the more the wave runup decrease. Yet, when the width of the berm increase up to 7 cm then the decrease rate of the height of wave runup becomes very small.
