  • 期刊


Outcome Analysis on the Comparison of Two Educational Models of Putting on Back Brace for Spinal Lesion Patient in a Regional Hospital




背架 腰椎病變 衛生教育


This research aimed at the comparison of two educational models of putting on back brace for spinal lesion patients. A quasi-experimental study design on two groups of time serials was adopted to evaluate the outcome. The spinal lesion patients in a teaching community hospital were recruited as study subjects by the criteria of: (1) aged 16 and above, (2) consciousness clear and can communicate with language and, (3) being willing to participate in this research. There were 50 subjects recruited as study sample half of them admitted to hospital between Januarys to March were assigned as comparison group; the other half was the experimental group admitted to hospital between April to June, 2004. The main difference of educational intervention between two groups is teaching method, one with laser disk of self learning the other taught by nurses with pamphlets. Both groups emphases on repeated practices after first educational activity. The result of study shows that after controlling for six confounding variables (e.g.: age education, heavy loading frequencies level of back pain ever learning of putting on back brace, diagnosed of neurosurgery patient or not etc), nurses in experimental group spent less time in teaching (average each patient reduce 8.52 minutes), nevertheless, both groups can improve the exactness of putting on back brace (up to 95%). It is highly recommended that laser disc is a helpful teaching material for improving the efficiency.


back brace spinal lesion patient education
