  • 期刊


Evaluation of Critical Success Factors of ISO 14001 Certificated: A Case Study from Electronic Corporation in Taiwan


隨著氣候不斷變遷,環保議題在全球化企業追求獲利之同時,已成為各組織營運之最優先考量因素。韓慧林等(2015)以台灣A 電子公司通過ISO14001 環境管理系統認證為例,運用投票式權重評選法,求解多目標評選議題,找出其關鍵成功因素並發表於危機管理學刊。本研究以此為藍本,擴大至101位受訪對象之問卷調查,比較其間之關鍵成功因素之差異,並提出一套管理ISO14001認證之標準作業程序。


As the climate continues to change and environmental issues in the global enterprises while pursuing profitable, have become a top priority of the organizations operating considerations. Hai et al. (Journal of Crisis Management, 2015, 12(2), 9-20) study the critical success factors of ISO 14001 certificated of "A" electronics company in Taiwan. They illustrate a new approach based on the use of vote-ranking method that was developed to assist in multi-criteria decision-making problems. In this paper, we expand to survey the range of questionnaires for 101 respondents. We will compare the different results of critical success factors (CSFs) and set a standard operation procedure as the references to the environmental evaluation and management for ISO14001 certification.


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