  • 期刊


Relationship Bonds of Medicine Dealers and Purchase Preference of General Practitioner: An Application of Conjoint Analysis Model




Physicians play the intermediary role between the drug dealer and the patient. In the existing literature, research on relationship bonds and consumer product preferences rarely takes the pharmaceutical market as a research activity. In the pharmaceutical industry, patients are end users, but the decision makers for clinic drug purchases are physicians, which is different from the situation in the general consumer goods market. This study firstly conducted in-depth interviews with relevant experts to explore the measurement bonds of three kinds of relationship between drug dealers and clinic practitioners; using drug classification as control variables, and then using joint analysis method to explore three kinds of relationship bonds and clinic opening in the pharmaceutical industry. The influence of physicians' drug purchasing preferences. The results showed that the three relationship bonds of the drug dealers had a significant impact on the drug purchasing preferences of the clinic practitioners, and the drug classification also had an impact. The three types of bonds are most strongly influenced by financial bonds, followed by structural bonds and social connections. Finally, practical advice is given to the marketing mix of drug dealers in the clinic opening market.


衛生福利部中央健康保險署編印(2018), 107 年 9 月份全民健康保險業務執行報告,61-66。
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