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Disposal of Environmental Collapse and Beauty: Re-interpretation of Tse-Lai Sung's Environmental Ethics from Series of "Ta Niu Nan Village" to "Ruins of Taiwan"


做為一個自然書寫的研究者,這幾年我始終認為相關研究尚有幾個領域可待拓展:一是對自然書寫定義的再釐清,二是以台灣戰後小說及詩文本為對象,持續探索小說中潛存的「環境倫理觀」,三是對於特定地景的書寫意涵進行探討,第四便是對原住民族漢語文學中的自然意識進行討論。本文則是第二個議題的探討。本文以宋澤萊(1952-)《打牛湳村》、《等待燈籠花開時》、《蓬萊誌異》等系列小說,及1985年出版的《廢墟台灣》為主要討論文本,以生態批評為切入角度,分析、詮釋此一系列小說中潛藏的環境觀。並試以海德格(Martin Heidegger)「詩意居所」的概念、生態學家如米爾布雷斯(Lester W. Milbrath)對「宰制者社會」的詮釋,來探討這些文本中對台灣環境傾圮與美的廢棄的反省。並進一步去思考宋澤萊從一系列農民小說表達對政府土地政策的批判,以及《廢墟台灣》此一「反烏托邦」中,所隱含的對未來「絕望中的期待」。


Being a nature-oriented literature researcher, I have always believed for the past several years that there are some fields waiting to be developed: first is to clarify the definition of nature-oriented writings, the second is to use Taiwanese postwar novel and poetry as research subject and continue to explore hidden ”environmental ethics” in novels, the third is to investigate writing meanings in specific landscapes, the fourth is to discuss nature consciousness in Native Taiwanese Han language literature Han language writings. I personally have tried the first three topics and publish numerous papers. This is a preliminary study for the second topic.This paper uses novel series of Tse-lai Sung (1952-) ”Ta-Niu-Nan Village”, ”Waiting for the Blossom of Lantern Flowers”, ”Peng Lai Story Writings and Ruins of Taiwan” published in 1985 as main texts for discussion. From a perspective of eco-criticism, we analyze and interpret hidden environmental observation in series of novel. With Heidegger's ”poetic dwelling” concept, and the interpretation of ”dominator society” by Lester W. Milbrath to compare the reflection from disposal of Taiwanese environmental collapse and beauty. Furthermore, we deliberate critics of government land policy in Tse-lai Sung's series of farmer novel and the hidden ”expectation in despair” in the ”Dystopia” of ”Ruins of Taiwan”.


Bruce V. Foltz(1995)。Inhabiting the Earth: Heidegger. environmental ethics, and the metaphysics of nature。Atlantic Highlands, N.J.:Humanities Press。
Cheryll Glotfelty、 Harold Frommed.(1996)。The Ecocriticism Render: Landmarks in Literary Ecology。Athens:The University of Georgia Press。
Donald Worster, ed.(1988)。The Ends of the earth: perspectives on modern environmental history。New York:Cambridge University Press。
Jeffrey Olen、 Vincent Barry(1992)。Applying ethics: a text with readings, 4th ed.。Belmont, Calif:Wad worth Publishing Company。


