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Detail Deduce/Epistolary Discourse: Discuss the Chung Wen Yin "My Solitude", "Apart from Love" Narrative Aesthetics of the Feminine Writing


鍾文音文字所散發的幽微氣味,筆調帶著濃厚的陰性耽美色彩,對生命樣態的純然凝視,以波希米亞流浪者姿態既孤且絕地步出了獨特的人生行旅。其書寫原型中,女性特質的筆觸成為她陰性書寫(écriture féminine/feminine writing)的基調,在作品中呈現大量女性特有的細膩,無論是家族記憶的細節描述,或以女性經驗對生活的轉化呈現等,都顛覆傳統主流論述,將家族私敘事與女性處境擺放到中心位置。而鍾文音的書寫策略,是藉由「女聲」腔調以宣示主體位置的存在,翻轉了父權體制下女性「客體」的瘖啞監禁,從而強調女性語言的異質性、多義性取向。本文將以鍾文音《昨日重現》與《中途情書》兩種不同書寫形式的文本,詮釋通過細節描述的力量與鋪張,在文本美學上的意義與作用,以及女性敘事慣用的日記/書信體形式所展現的藝術美學。鍾文音以書信體作為敘事手法,巧妙地扣合陰性書寫的私密性、包容性以及夾帶瑣言絮語等特徵,而這種書寫模式正可用以改寫以往傳統的敘事慣例;藉由這種敘述腔調傳達女性能量的聲音,為陰性書寫下深具力道的實踐策略。本文將爬梳陰性書寫的理路脈絡,透視作家在豐富多元的敘事分析下,所展現的女性敘事美學。


Chung Wen-Yin's writing distributes fine and tiny aromas; the writing style carries deep romantic feminine colors which is a form of pure contemplation to approaching life's pattern. It presents like a Bohemia roamer who is lonely and peculiar to stride the life's unique journey; the quality of her words are elegant and is worth reading. She can be rated as a unique fictionist among Chinese female authors. In her original writing type, the female characteristic stroke became her motif of feminine writing, it presents a lot of peculiar feminine exquisite in the compositions, no matter if it's the detailed description of the family's memories or women's experience to life transformation etc. it was destabilized against major tradition mainstream and deposits the private narration and women's position on the centre-stage.Chung Wen-Yin's writing strategy is to declare the subjective existed via ”feminine voice” and to reverse the woman ”object” dumbness and imprisonment below patriarchy is the structuring of the society; then emphasize heterogeneity and ambiguity of women's wording. This dissertation will be presented via Chung Wen-Yin's ”My Solitude” and ”Apart from Love”, the two different forms of writing to interpret the detailed description force and elaboration, the text's aesthetics meaning and affection. The feminine narrative habitually Epistolary/Diary form reveals the art of aesthetics and the author uses Epistolary as narrative technique to ingeniously combine feminine writing's private, catholic and carry frivolously and loquacity characteristics. This writing model can be rewritten with the past tradition narrative rule via this narrative tune which transmits women's power voice, the feminine writing powerful practice strategy. This dissertation will be a form of feminine writing's theory contexts, the perspective author at the rich and multivariate narrative analysis to exhibit feminine narrative aesthetics.




