  • 期刊


Patient Experience in Respiratory Distress Syndrome After Abdominal Surgery




The purpose of this article was to explore nursing experience of a patient with respiratory distress syndrome after abdominal surgery. Nursing care period was from July 3 to July 18, 2014, the author used clinical care, physical assessment, medical records, and case discussion. The caregiver interviewed and other means collect data and use Maslow's human needs theory to conduct an overall assessment and analysis, summarizing the main nursing issues: acute pain, abnormal ventilator withdrawal response, impaired tissue integrity and anxiety. Established a good relationship between illness and trust during care. Let the case know the pipeline and surrounding medical equipment,accept the necessity of existence, and then lead the case and family members to participate in the breathing training and wound care process. Through family support, medical team intervention, and the provision of appropriate analgesics and sedatives, it can improve anxiety and promote wound healing, so that the case can survive the acute respiratory distress syndrome smoothly and cause psychological imbalance, and finally successfully divorced used of the respirator. It is recommended to make a short video of the chest rehabilitation and breathing training group, which will be played in the family lounge to promote family members to participate in the training process. We wished by sharing of nursing experience in this article would provide reference for case care.


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柯獻欽(2009)‧吸入一氧化氮(Inhaled Nitric Oxide, iNO)在急性呼吸窘迫症候群(Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, ARDS)之運用‧當代醫學,36(2),125-138。


