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Management of the Foreign Nursing Assistants for the Elderly Caring in Institutions: Perspective of the Family Members of the Elderly




外籍監護工 住民家屬 老人


The World Health Organization defines the aged population, as a person whose age is over 65 years old. In Taiwan 9.2% of the population are the elderly persons so far. According to the international standard for elderly population was reviewed at 7%, that means Taiwan has been an ageing society. In this standard, Taiwan had been an aged country from the year 1995. That is obvious that the social significant aged people have brought about, the society must concerned about the issues of the elderly population, particularly the institutional care for the elderly people. This paper aims to explore the institutional management issue of the foreign nursing workers based on the perspective of the family members of elderly people. We hope the results will provide valued information for the management of the institutional care for the elderly people in Taiwan.
