  • 期刊


The Construction of Clinical Competence Criteria in the Therapeutic Nurse-Patient Relationship in Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing


本文目的爲建構「精神衛生護理師之人際關係治療實務能力」的培訓內容,作爲現劃本土性精神衛生護理師培訓與認證之參考,以提昇精神衛生護理服務品質。自93年5 月至94年10月採「行動研究法」,第一階段爲「準備期」:邀集精神科護理主管及教師組成核心小組,形成理念共識,擬定「人際關係治療」爲培訓精神衛生護理師六項臨床實務能力項目之一,並通過「精神衛生護理師甄審委員設置辦法」。第二階段爲「籌備期」,建立「人際關係治療」實務能力培訓內容、種子成員與實務團隊之組成與運作。研究結果:完成「人際關係治療」培訓內容之建構,包括:能自我覺察、能運用同理心、保持中立與一致性的正向態度、能真誠對待與尊重病人、能持續關懷及支持病人、能發展人際治療關係的過程並具備促進與維持雙向溝通以及達到有效溝通之能力等必要能力指標,以及定義、行爲操作、注意事項及評量方式等,以培育和鑑定精神衛生護理師鈴備之臨床基本實務能力資格,展現精神護理專業的價值。


The purpose of this research was to establish criteria for the clinical competence of psychiatric mental health nurses in the Therapeutic Nurse-Patient Relationship. Research was conducted using the action research method from May 2004 to October, 2005. The first stage was the Preparatory Stage. A group of experts was engaged to develop a conceptual consensus of and framework for clinical practice standards for the Therapeutic Nurse-Patient Relationship, as one of six competencies of clinical practice for psychiatric mental health nursing practitioners, and to establish procedures for appointing officials to accredit psychiatric mental health nursing staff. During the second stage, the Planning Stage, the content and guidelines of training for clinical competence in the Therapeutic Nurse-Patient Relationship were established, and included the following eight items: 1. Self Awareness. 2. Empathy. 3. Non-judgmental approach, 4. Sincerity and Respect. 5. Caring and Warmth. 6. Ability to develop and maintain a therapeutic relationship. 7. Ability to facilitate communication of distressing thoughts and feelings. 8. Effective therapeutic communication. Constructing the clinical competence of Therapeutic Nurse-Patient Relationship in psychiatric mental health nursing. These findings may further serve as a basis on which the accreditation committee may evaluate the clinical competence of psychiatric mental health nurses.


