  • 期刊


A Study of Dissuasive Taiwan Opium Fu during the Period of Japanese Occupation




Intellectuals during the Japanese occupation first learned the dangers of opium to the human body, to the economy, to the society, and even to the stability of the country. Therefore, newspapers and magazines were used to convey the harmful effects of opium to the public through articles and opium rhapsodies, and to oppose the "greed" opium policy of the Japanese government at that time. Also, in society, in addition to using special treatments rich in religious colors, the Fuluan-jiangbi Club, which represents the power of the people, also preached the harmfulness of opium through the "flying phoenix rhapsodies" descended by the gods. These practices have achieved remarkable results and formed a force of opposition that cannot be ignored. In summary, through this study, we can see the particularity of Taiwan's opium smoking during the Japanese rule, because it not only represents the resistance between the government and intellectuals on the opium problem, but also the struggle between intellectuals and "superstitions." It is the conflict between national rejuvenation and private interests. These various measures to prevent and control opium use, though with different methods, led to the same goal, have become the core force of Taiwanese society to get rid of the opium plight during the Japanese occupation.


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