  • 期刊

Pengaruh Penggunaan Pengajaran Berbantukan Komputer bagi Tajuk Ikatan Kimia dan Kesannya

Influence of Usage Computer Assisted Instruction In Chemical Bonding and Its Effects


Computer assisted instruction (CAI) is an approach whereby using computer in teaching and learning purpose. The purpose of this research was to identify ability towards usage of the CAI in teaching of Chemical Bonding in improving students' understanding. The study is also to identify the problem faced by the students while learning a Chemistry subject using CAI. Descriptive research method has been used in this study. 100 respondents who from science stream form four in two rural secondary schools which placed in North Kinta District, Ipoh had been involved in this study. Research instrument consists of questionnaire survey and paper-pencil tests. These data were analyzed using the computer software ”Statistical Packages for Social Science” (SPSS) software to calculate frequency and percentage. The findings show that the levels of student achievement on the concept of chemical bonds are very weak. This shown that the usage of CAI in Chemistry class still can not facilitate student to learning the concept of chemical bonds. The study found that the main problem faced by students during the usage of CAI is the teacher's problem.
