  • 期刊


The Evaluation on Educational Quality and Its Relevant Factors: An Empirical Study of Education-Majored Students


臺灣高等教育由過去的菁英教育轉變爲普遍教育後,大學生接受高等教育的成效未如預期,輿論檢討聲浪也不斷湧現。開放中小學師資培育之政策對傳統師資培育的校系衝擊甚大,也改變了師資培育的制度與結構。本文的關懷重點在於了解教育改革後,教育相關科系學生對教育品質的評價反應,並分析影響學生評價教學之因素。 我們使用高等教育資料庫進行分析,結果顯示:教育相關科系學生對於其就讀科系的課程評價不佳的情況,遠較其他科系嚴重。影響評價較重要的因素則包括課程規劃與內容、教師課程教法與學生互動、行政服務等。換言之,我國教育相關科系的課程、師資與行政服務都仍有相當進步的空間。尤其,此三者皆是提高教育品質需要格外關注的焦點,不論過去或未來,皆應如此。


Many educational reform programs have been proposed by Taiwan Government since last decade. The openness of training program of elementary and middle high school teachers challenged the traditional education-majored students’ life course. However, it has not been a topic that has received much attention. In this study, we try to show the general fact of evaluation on educational quality by the education-majored students, and to estimate the effects of the key factors. Using data from Taiwan Higher Education Survey, our empirical results show that the proportion and degrees of dissatisfaction of education-related students are significantly worse than those who from other departments. Specifically, the key factors include the quality of curriculum, faculty, and department overall. We also find that with the help of administrative management, the degrees of satisfaction of students could be increased. It implies that policies of multiple levels, i.e., department, university, and the Ministry of Education, should all be reconsidered simultaneously.


