  • 期刊


Improvement of Electronic Maintenance Process-A Case Study


本研究的主要目的是運用工作研究的手法來進行無線電接收機維修的流程改善。研究過程使用工作研究方法中的操作程序圖(operation process chart)對整個維修程序做一通盤概況之瞭解、工廠線圖(flow diagram)來檢視流程搬運距離及工廠內各個工作站之間的動線情形、流程程序圖(flow process chart)清楚地表現出流程的操作、搬運、檢驗、延遲和儲存等動作事項,並配合刪除、合併、重排、簡化之IE改善四原則探討減少各種事項的次數、時間及距離,以提高維修流程工時效率。個案維修流程經研究改善後,單一修理件可節省時間268秒及移動距離2940公分,流程工時效率提升12.65%。本研究的改善方案已獲得工廠管理階層的肯定及施行。


The main purpose of this study is to improve the radio receiver maintenance flow using the method of work study. A operation process chart was used to investigate the whole maintenance flow. A flow diagram was used to investigate the flow lines between workstations, and to investigate the distance of movement. A flow process chart was used to investigate the all process of maintenance flow. And then, the four methods-Eliminate, Combine, Rearrange, and Simplify were used to investigate to promote the efficiency of maintenance flow. The achievements of this case study are that the single repair parts can retrench flow time by 268 seconds and moves by 2940 centimeters, and can promote work efficiency by 12.65%. These proposals were also affirmed and executed by the manager of factory.
