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Critical Factors of Implementing Collaborative Strategies to SMEs: A Case Study of Taiwan Conveying-Machinery Equipment Industry


在經濟全球化發展及強調專業分工的商業時代,企業要如何透過跨業或同業間的合作聯盟,以強化經營條件,提高市場競爭力。相信這不僅是大企業面臨的重要策略議題,對於資金及人力資源相對不足的中小企業而言,協同合作策略(Collaborative Strategy)的規劃與應用,更是其面對大企業競爭的關鍵。本文以科技接受模式(Technology Acceptance Model, TAM)為分析架構,探討中小企業推動協同合作策略之成功關鍵因素;同時,以台灣輸送機械設備製造產業為討論對象,透過問卷調查瞭解受訪企業主之決策傾向與態度。本研究總計發放450份抽樣調查問卷,回收有效問卷 101份,有效問卷回收率達22.4%;同時,經資料信(效)度分析,本論文各構面之Cranach's α及 KMO值皆在0.7以上,顯示本次調查資料具相當代表性與一致性。茲臚列本研究幾點重要結論,以為後續研究者參考。(1)對於中小型輸送機械設備製造業者而言,其導入協同合作策略的主要目的在獲取合作廠商之技術支援,其次為提高生產經濟規模;(2)在策略應用的易用性分析方面,多數企業主認為協同合作策略導入時之解決機制最為重要;(3)機械加工與機械組裝兩類廠商相較其他業別更為重視市場規模擴大、研發成本降低與品牌形象提昇等策略性效益;(4)資本及員工人數規模較少之廠商,較為重視協同合作策略導入後有關研發技術能力之提昇與市場擴大的策略性效益;反之,資本與員工人規模較大之廠商,則較為重視協同合作策略導入後之外部資源整合及整體競爭優勢提昇之策略性效益。


The competition of business environment is fast increasing in recent years. Due to limited resources, capital and manpower, SMEs need a better business model to save and make profit during the economic recession period. One of the solutions is to implement a collaboration strategy with business partners. The paper is concentrated to investigate the owners' critical accepting factors before joining collaboration strategies. And, the concept of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is applied to investigate the above issue on a case study in Taiwan conveying-machinery equipment industry. Some important results, processed by enterprisers' interviewing, questionnaires surveying and statistical analysis, are given for references to existed managers and new entries to build and implement collaboration strategies. The results revealed that there was a different decision opinion among these manufacturers when introducing or implementing collaborative strategies. Comprehensively speaking, the attaining technical support index was the most important criterion for firms implementing collaboration, following by the increasing economy of scale in production index. On the aspect of Ease of Use, the well-done institution of fast dealing problems during implementing strategies period was most considered by enterprisers. Meanwhile, the indices including increasing the market demand, reducing production cost and raising brand value were more considered by the enterprisers of machining and mechanical assembly firms. The firms with less capital and fewer employees more considered the indices, raising the R & D ability and increasing market demand. On the other side, the firms with sufficient resources and employees emphasized more on the competitive advantages integrated from partners.


