  • 期刊

A Comparison of the Trainees' Perceived Competence between Egan's and Chiu's Counselor Training Models



適切的諮商師訓練模式對於來自不同背景的諮商志工非常重要,但是在台灣似乎不容易判定那一種諮商訓練模式對諮商志工較有益處。本研究的目的在探討:(a)在訓練之後,諮商志工對自我能力的評價。(b)Egan模式與Chiu模式訓練的諮商志工對自我能力的評價有無差異。(c)不同年資的諮商志工對自我能力的評價是否有差異。(d)不同教育背景與職業背景的諮商志工對自我能力的評價是否有差異。本研究採用「諮商能力自我評價量表」分別在台北、台南諮商中心對諮商志工施測。這份量化研究的資料由對諮商志工施測「諮商能力自我評價量表」得到。76位台中張老師以及93位高雄張老師參與問卷填答,多變量變異數分析用來檢驗兩種訓練模式以及大學不同主修的參與者的自我評量是否有顯著差異。多元迴歸分析與皮爾森積差相關用來檢驗諮商經驗與諮商技巧之關聯。 研究結果顯示,Egan模式訓練的諮商志工對“引導”知識的自信高於Chiu模式訓練的諮商志工。Egan模式訓練的諮商志工對運用尊重、真誠、接納、同理、引導、摘要、重複技巧的自信,亦高於Chiu模式訓練的諮商志工。研究結果亦顯示有諮商相關教育背景的諮商志工,對探索知識及澄清技巧的自信高於無諮商相關背景的諮商志工。不論是用那一種訓練模式,都顯示諮商經驗可以提升諮商志工對諮商知識與諮商技巧的信心。


Appropriate counselor training models are crucial to the development of volunteer counselors who come from a wide variety of background. However, it is hard to determine which model is more beneficial for volunteer counselors in Taiwan. The purpose of this study was to investigate (a) the perceived competence of volunteer counselors after training; (b) the differences of perceived competence between volunteer counselors trained by Egan model and trained by Chiu model; (c) the differences of perceived competence between volunteer counselors with different years of counseling experiences; and (d) the differences of perceived competence between volunteer counselors with different educational and vocational backgrounds. The Self-Perception of Counseling Skills Survey was adopted to investigate the volunteer counselors at Taipei and Tainan Counseling Center. This quantitative research was based on empirical data collected from the Self-Perception of Counseling Skills Survey. This instrument, translated into Chinese, was administered to 76 participant from the Teacher Chang Youth Counseling Center (TCYCC) in Taichung, Taiwan, and 93 participants from the TCYCC in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Two-way multivariate analyses of variance were formed to determine if there were significant differences in participant's perceived competence that occurred by training model or major. Multiple linear regression and Pearson product-moment correlations were performed to determine the relationship between counseling experience and counseling skills. The results of this study show that volunteer counselors trained with the Egan model report higher confidence in their knowledge of the leading skill than counselors trained with the Chiu model. Volunteer counselors trained with the Egan model also report higher confidence in their ability to apply the skills of respect, genuineness, acceptance, empathy, summarizing, leading, repeating and confrontation than counselors trained with the Chiu model. The results also show that volunteer counselors with counseling-related majors report higher confidence in their knowledge of the probing and clarifying skills than those without counseling-related majors. Regardless of training model, volunteer counselors with more counseling experience generally report a higher level of confidence with respect to their knowledge of and ability to apply all counseling skills than counselors with less experience.


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