  • 期刊


The service quality in hot-pot restaurant: Oh-oh-yes hot-pot restaurant in Douliu as an example


近幾年原物料上漲,許多食物原料也上漲,讓產品本身的價格一直調漲,而人們要飽餐一頓的花費逐漸增多,現今需要消費至少要五十元起才能吃一頓,而想要吃飽,都要花百元以上。在這種狀況下,平價又能吃到飽百元小火鍋就變成多數人優先選擇,甚至在炎炎的夏日裡,吃火鍋的人也慢慢增多。本研究將以近年來快速竄升壯大的連鎖火鍋店「大呼過癮」做為研究對象,探討其服務品質重視度與滿意度之關係。並於2016年的10 月7 日至11 月15 日,在雲林縣斗六市的大呼過癮,以便利抽樣的方式進行定點式抽樣,共發放300 份問卷,回收300 份問卷,其中有11 份因填答不完全,列為無效問卷,最後有效問卷為289 份採用問卷調查法,收集變項資料,運用IPA 分析法之結果對企業提出相關改善建議。結果發現顧客對大呼過癮的服務品質有11 項應該繼續保持下去、有1 項應立即改善、及9 項屬於次優先序改善。最後,本研究根據研究結論提出具體之管理意涵與建議,並明確指出未來研究方向。


Because of providing low price and various food, the hot-pot restaurants have been patronized widely by students and youth. The Oh-oh-yes hot pot restaurant emphases low price and provide various hot pots for customers, which is popular hot-pot restaurants in Taiwan. This study uses the Oh-oh-yes hot pot restaurant as an example to assess the importance and performance of service quality. The survey conducted from October to November, 2016 by convenient sampling; and a total of 289 usable questionnaires were collected for this study. The results revealed 11 items were keeping up the good work; nine items were in low priority; and one item needed to be improve immediately. Managerial implications and market strategies are drawn, along with recommendations for future research.


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