  • 期刊


The Benefits of Intergenerational Family Leisure Activity for Seniors


近年來家庭結構改變,銀髮族與子孫世代同住比例下降,相處時間、互動機會減少,進而產生文化與價值觀上的差異,然相關研究證實代間活動能增加不同世代間的互動與情感聯繫,更在互動過程可讓彼此相互學習、促進雙方情誼。故本研究探討銀髮族家庭代間休閒活動參與情形?休閒效益為何?及代間休閒活動類型對休閒效益的影響?使用結構式問卷,針對臺北市樂齡學習中心之55 歲以上銀髮族群以立意取樣之方式進行問卷調查,有效問卷282 份,所得資料應用描述性統計、多元迴歸等統計方法進行分析。結果發現銀髮族家庭代間休閒活動參與不論頻率或時間皆以消遣型活動最高。休閒效益方面則以社交效益最高;最低為生理效益。表示銀髮族在參與家庭代間休閒活動後,能提升銀髮族參與其他活動意願並促進與晚輩相處得更親近,並了解晚輩感受並與晚輩分享想法之主觀感受。最後分析發現文化藝術型與社交活動型正面影響休閒效益。建議未來代間休閒活動規劃者加強設計文化藝術型與社交活動型之活動教育及鼓勵參與,以提升銀髮族與其子輩或孫輩之情感與休閒效益,獲得更佳的生活水準及生活品質。


In recent years, family structures are changing, proportion of seniors who live with their generations are decrease. Less time to spend together and reduce opportunities for interaction. It makes differences in culture and values between generations. However, related researches found intergenerational activity can increase interaction between the different generation. The purpose of the research is investigate intergenerational family leisure activity. What are the benefits from intergenerational family leisure activity? And the relationship between intergenerational family leisure activity and benefits. Through literature review, seniors intergenerational family leisure activity divided into recreational type, physical type, entertainment type, cultural and artistic type, religious type and social type, The leisure benefits contain four categories: physiological benefit, psychological benefit, social benefit and self-realization social benefit. Using a structured questionnaire for seniors over the age of 55 in Taipei senior education center of purposive sampling. 254 are effective questionnaires, and the data was analyzed with statistics methods of t test, one-way ANOVA and multiple regression analysis. The results show in intergenerational family leisure activity frequency of recreational type (M=3.17) and recreational type (M=2.76) are highest. Participation time of recreational type (M=2.53) and recreational type (M=2.45) are highest. The benefits of intergenerational family leisure activity for seniors are high. The highest is social benefit (M=4.02), second high is psychological benefit (M=3.97), the lowest is physiological benefit (M=3.81). Intergenerational family leisure activity of cultural and artistic type and social type have significant and positive effect on leisure benefits. Recommendations for future intergenerational recreational planners can enhance the design of cultural artistic and social education and type of activities to encourage participation in order to enhance the emotional and recreational benefits seniors with their child or grandchild's generation, for better standard of living and quality of life.




