近年來台灣出現學、用脫節的嚴重問題,學生畢業即失業的失衡現象不斷增加。此趨勢讓企業與學校相互合作,期使解決人力資源配置不均、失業率居高不降的恐慌,餐旅各技職院校無不以「成功就業」的職業訓練目標。教育部技職司、勞委會、德國經濟辦事處合作辦理之「台德菁英計畫」為雙軌制(Dual System)的訓練,其乃產、官、學界三方通力合作之計畫。餐旅技職教育為何要引進德國經驗?德國技職教育之成功經驗為何?餐旅相關計畫內涵為何?如何以課程理論角度評析該計畫之課程內涵,引發本研究動機?本研究擬以文獻回顧法,蒐集相關之雜誌期刊、論文文獻、政府文件以及網路資源等,做系統性歸納統合評析並對實務界及學術界提出研究意涵。
Recently, in Taiwan, there is a more and more critical problem that students can't find jobs when they graduate. Because of the problem, the enterprises and schools start to corporate and solve the problem. So, ”successful employed” is become the first target for the technology institutes. To reach the target, Technological and Vocational Education, Bureau of Employment and training and DWB Taipei are cooperating for the Taiwan-Germany Elite Program, a Dual System Vocational Training ,supports by the enterprises、government and academic. This research will include, why does the hospitality education imports the experience from Germany? how did it success? What's the nature of these program? And how to adopt curriculum theory to critique. I'll adopt the approach of literature review to synthesis the conclusions and suggest for the future research.