  • 期刊


Mathematical Competency Test of the Elementary Teacher Certification Examination: Knowledge Domains, Specifications, and Distribution Percentage




The study was to explore the knowledge domains and specifications for teaching mathematics measured in the Mathematics Competency Test required in the Elementary Teacher Certification Examination, and the percentage distributed in each knowledge domain and specification. An analytical framework based on literature reviewed was constructed to analyze the items from the annual Mathematical Competency Test. The results showed that 18 specifications were distributed into three knowledge domains in the framework, consisting of four, six, and eight corresponding items to assess prospective teacher's knowledge of curriculum, knowledge of children's cognition, and pedagogical content knowledge, respectively. This framework implicitly signified the professional knowledge required for prospective teachers who have done the internship first and then take the certification examination in elementary school. Of the three domains, there were similar amount of items dedicated to the knowledge of curriculum and students' cognition domains, while the number of items were fewer for mathematical instruction. The items related to "selecting and sequencing students' various solutions" and "giving follow-up feedback to students' responses" were neglected in the Teacher Certification Examination. The specifications and domains of knowledge in the assessment framework could be used as a reference for future Teacher Certification Examinations in measuring prospective teachers who take the exam before their internship, according to the new preservice teacher educational policy. This framework can also serve as a guide for mathematics teaching methods courses required in preservice teacher program, and as a direction for prospective teachers preparing the Teacher Certification Examination.


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