  • 期刊


台灣日語初級學習者的發音學習信念|Elementary learner's beliefs in Taiwan for Japanese pronunciation




本研究透過問卷,調查台灣日文系一年級學生在學習日語的發音時,抱持著什麼樣的信念。問卷調查以Horwitz(1985, 1987, 1988)開發的BALLI為基礎,配合台灣的學習環境設計出22道題目。本研究也調查性別、入學前日語學習經歷、發音成績是否與學習信念有關。調查發現,學生最支持的信念是「我覺得為了正確發音,大量聽說日語很重要。」此外,性別上有3項、入學前日語學習經歷上有1項、發音成績上有1項信念在統計上呈現顯著差異。另外,日語的發音學習包含四個因素:「積極的心態學習日語發音」、「學習日語發音的焦慮不安」、「對日語發音缺乏自信」、「消極地學習日語發音」。因此,教師必須調查學習者的信念,以便提供尋找更合適的教學方法,或是提供了更好的學習環境和學習計劃。|This paper investigates Taiwanese student's beliefs of Japanese pronunciation. Questionnaires containing 22 questions of beliefs about pronunciation. This study also investigates whether the gender, pre-school Japanese learning experience, pronunciation results are related to the learner's beliefs. The survey found that the highest belief is "I think it is important to hear a lot about listening and speaking." And most of the the learning beliefs and performance are not related. In addition, four factors in pronunciation were found: 1) positive attitude toward pronunciation, 2) unease or worry over pronunciation, 3) lack of confidence in pronunciation and 4) negative attitude toward pronunciation. Teachers should remember that these beliefs always effect students in various degrees and therefore they should always try to keep students motivated and respect their positive attitude toward pronunciation.


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