  • 期刊

An Investigation into the Relationship between the Type and Availability of Recreational Sports Facilities and Student Lifestyle and Social Interaction in the United States Universities


The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the type and availability of recreational sports facilities, the campus lifestyle factors, and student social interaction by conducting a sociological analysis of particular institutional cultures. The grand tour question for this research was ”What institutional and campus lifestyle factors determine the type and availability of recreational sports facilities?” The research design of this study is based on a basic applied research model, with a strong focus on qualitative and descriptive research, grounded in an extensive literature review and supplemented by student interviews. For this investigation, interviews were arranged with the directors of athletics, directors of intramural programs, directors of student life, and students from five universities in the United States of America. As this was meant to be a qualitative and descriptive study, the data gathered was analyzed according to accepted qualitative methodology-thematic pattern searching. Finally, the results of this study suggest that recreational sports facilities do foster high social interaction among students and contribute to an active, integrated, and positive campus lifestyle and culture. Their effect is not limited to the sports or athletics aspect. Students use recreational sports facilities as meeting and socializing places even if they do not use them to work out or play sports. And, as the students interviewed in this study have made clear, for most of them, social interaction is as important a part of college life as studying.


Chao, P. S. (2008). 應用一平坦化技術製作高共面度電鍍覆晶凸塊 [doctoral dissertation, National Taipei University of Technology]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6841/NTUT.2008.00331
