  • 期刊


The Impact of Rent-Seekers' Heterogeneity in Ability on Two-Dimensional Rent-Seeking Activities


為了探討競租者能力異質性對於二維度競租活動的影響,本文參考Faria et al.(2014)的二維度競租投入模型,同時依循過往異質性競租分析文獻的設定方式,建立一個存在競租者能力差異的二維度競租分析模型。不同於既有文獻關於:能力異質性擴大將會使得社會競租浪費水準下降的分析結果,本文發現在本文所建立的分析架構下,若政府政策租利彈性夠大,則兩位’競租者間的競租能力差異擴大,將有可能會使社會整體競租浪費水準增加而非下降。


In order to explore the impact of rent-seekers' heterogeneity in ability on two-dimensional rent-seeking activities. By referring to the two-dimensional rent-seeking model in Faria et al. (2014) and the models of heterogeneity rent-seeking. We construct a two-dimensional rent-seeking model with rent-seekers' heterogeneity in ability. Different from previous studies' finding about the increasing of rent-seekers' heterogeneity in ability will decrease social rent-seeking effort. Our finding shows that when the elasticity of policy rent is high enough, the increasing of two rent-seekers' heterogeneity in ability may increase social overall rent-seeking effort.


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