  • 期刊


The Encouraging Factors of Moving to Residential Hotel for Aged in Chinese Advanced Cities




With the change of structure in population in Chinese advanced cities, the market for residential hotels available for elders' life in some cities having enjoyed the booming business and industry development including Beijing and Shanghai have kept growing. The aged group's selection to live in residential hotels in the future will be one diversified choice for elderly care. Notwithstanding, the binding traditional Chinese etiquette and culture coupled with the traditional Chinese filial piety culture to bring up children for the purpose of being looked after in old age, what factors influence these aged groups in advanced cities to change their traditional concept of elderly care in their residences? What factors turn living in residential hotels for the aged becoming one of the selections for their elderly care? This is an exploring study via the view of the Marketing. Through the aged consumers' demands model on their life in residential hotels in Chinese advanced cities, this research aims to probe into the profound insight of this issue to gain an in-depth understanding of these aged groups' motive, needs and demands to opt to live in residential hotels. This research also builds the aged consumers' demand model living in the senior living residential hotels conforming to local elderly-care pattern, creating new job market with complete elderly care systems in Chinese advanced cities. With regard to the study of the aged consumers' demand model to live in the senior living residential hotels in Chinese advanced cities, researchers conducted on-site inspection and investigation by paying visits to Beijing Sun City International Aged Apartment, Beijing Yinling International Hotel, Shanghai Qingheyuan Aged Apartment, Ruen Fu Newlife in Tamsui of Taiwan, Kang Ning Apartment Complex in Neihu of Taipei City, Chang Gung Health and Culture Village and Yu Zen Retirement Center in Tainan, more than conducting the retrospection works of literatures on the aged to live in the senior living residential hotels and the aged consumers' behavior model. Interviews were also given to experts and proprietors and questionnaire surveys were conducted on households. Data collected from these acts was further conducted the descriptive statistics analysis, Independent-Sample T Test, one-way ANOVA, related analyses, and the measurement by means of SPSS to exam the research hypothesis to verify the adequacy of encouraging model.


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