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Impacts of Colonial Era Policies and Institutions on the Post-Independence Development of Former Colonies: Case Study of Japanese Colonization of Taiwan and French Colonization of Burkina Faso




The historical context of colonization tells us that technologically advanced western cultures in the 19th century imposed themselves on less developed societies mostly for economic and cultural reasons. It is this struggle for power and preeminence in Europe that drove the industrialized European countries to expand their empires into Africa. The same logic underlies Japan's nineteeth century imperialism in Eastern Asia. Although there are still divergent viewpoints with regard to the perceived positive and negative aspects of the colonial enterprise, it is commonly believed that the legacy of colonization can be a start in a country's economic prosperity. This paper is an attempt to investigate the economic and cultural impacts of Japanese colonization in Taiwan, and French colonization in Burkina Faso (former Upper Volta), two countries respectively located in Eastern Asia and Western Africa. For this purpose, we will first attempt to highlight the specificity of the policies adopted by each of these two colonial powers in their respective former colonies. Then we will examine how these policies have impacted the post-colonial economic development of the two countries in question.


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