  • 期刊


The Issue on the Selection of Materials for Translation: A Case on the Translation of Strindberg's "Married"


翻譯在一定程度上是「重寫」,「重寫」也包括對原文材料的取捨。本文以梁實秋翻譯瑞典劇作家兼小說家斯特林堡(August Strindberg, 1849-1912)的短篇小說集《結婚集》(Married)為例,討論了譯者取捨原文材料的情況。梁實秋於一九三0年出版了中譯本《結婚集》(上海中華書局出版),是根據瑟爾查(Thomas Seltzer)一九一七年的英譯本轉譯而來。瑟爾查的英譯本有十九篇故事,梁實秋為什麼只選譯了其中的九篇而沒有翻譯另外十篇?在文藝觀上,梁實秋與斯特林堡有很大差別,他為什麼要選譯斯特林堡的作品?這些短篇小說的主題思想是什麼?本文通過具體分析來探討這些問題。


Translation, to some extent, is a "rewriting" of the original text. "Rewriting" also involves the selection or omission of certain original materials for translation. This article discusses the issue of the selection of materials for translation through a case study on Liang Shiqiu's translation of August Strindberg's "Married". Liang's Chinese version of "Married", translated from Thomas Seltzer's English version (1917), was published by Chung Hwa Book Co. in 1930. There are nineteen short stories in Seltzer's version, but Liang only translated nine of them. What is the reason that Liang did not translate the other ten? Liang's literary thought is quite different from that of Strindberg, but why did he choose the latter's works to translate? What is the theme of the short stories? This paper will try to answer these questions through detailed analysis of the translation of the short stories in "Married".
