  • 期刊


Application of TOC to Improve the Performance of Taiwan Aircraft Company


航空工業發動機零組件生產廠,必需具有高度專業及精密的航太零組件製造能力,軍、民用飛機發動機製造商之上游零件供應商,必需為一管理體系健全、員工專業能力獲得國際認證之專業製造公司,管理階層及技術員工均受過各式專業訓練,具備6-σ之專家甚至超過百位。限制理論(theory of constraints)發源自歐、美國家同時也在企業中得到驗證,眾多的文獻資料都充分證明TOC在生產改善的實證績效非常卓越。本研究以TOC之生產改善工具Simplified Drum-Buffer-Rope(簡稱S-DBR)生產管理技術,應用於生產型態:A型之生產流程航太零件工廠生產管理,研究個案中相關產品技術水準、人員素質、管理基礎建設、以及面對的經營環境等等,並執行TOC之S-DBR生產改善方案,以輔導企業執行改善的立場,針對生產改善過程中導入之程序及注意事項,運用TOC限制管理理論以及S-DBR工具,可以有效的很快在極短時間內達成顯著的生產績效改善(生產前置時間縮短、生產內部工單達交率提升、生產現場之在製品下降)。


Taiwan manufacturers of aircraft engine component need to be able to produce products to a high standard of precision and quality. Suppliers to these aircraft engine component manufacturers need to have strong management systems and technical capabilities that meet international professional standards. These companies often have over 100 six sigma specialists and their management and staff have all received professional training. The effectiveness of the Theory of Constraints (TOC) in improving production systems has been verified and documented in many cases involving US and European companies. This study applies S-DBR (Simplified drum buffer rope, the TOC tool in manufacturing) to an aircraft component manufacturer, which operates in an A type manufacturing environment. In this study, we outline the operating environment of the case company and review the implementation of S-DBR, focusing on the sequence of implementation. This study shows that significant improvement in performance of production systems can be achieved rapidly using TOC.


TOC S-DBR Production Lead Time WIP


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