  • 期刊


An Analysis of the Story of "Mao-tou ji": One Text with Different Interpretations in History, Literature and Sorcery


六朝志怪小說涉及「巫術」之描述頗多,不論是「靈變之說」或是「因果之談」,許多故事都會參雜「巫術」概念於其中。試以魯迅《古小說鉤沉》 輯本所輯錄之曹丕《列異傳》(凡51則)為例,本書第4、5兩則所載錄之「怒特祠」事,文中初言秦文公麾下之兵士,依照一般常行之法進行伐樹任務,然而怪異之事卻隨之發生:「樹創隨合,經日不斷。」當士兵以異常之行:(「朱絲」繞樹、「赭衣灰坋」)對其樹進行砍伐之後,整件事情遂為之一變。其後又以異常之貌(「被髮」出現)與由樹中奔跳而出之青牛相抗,牛遂避入水中而不敢出,此乃「旄頭騎」之由來。本事在「史家」筆下的記述意義,與「志怪作家」言奇述怪作品下的文學面貌,竟然出現截然不同的理解。易言之,在歷史、文學之不同觀點下,相同之事因文類特性不同而會有完全不同的意義隨之產生,惟其事必須從「宗教」(或言「巫術」)入手,方能在表象的文字敘述之外得其正詁。本文期能從此三個面向分別切入,以「旄頭騎」事為例,將「相同文本」在「不同文類」觀點下的「不同理解」,董理出一條可供未來探究與此相類問題者足資依循之原則。


Many of the Six Dynasties supernatural stories involve supernatural incidents, whether in the case of transformation or that of cause-and-effect. This kind of stories, for example, can be found in Lieyi zhuan(列異傳)complied by Cao Pi. However, the meaning of the same incident can be very different in historical, literary interpretation since it is understood and evaluated according to premises inherent in each genre. When this kind of case occurs, a better way is to put it within the perspective of ”religion” (or sorcery), so as to obtain an understanding which can help us better interpret the incident. This article aims to look into the issues of one text with various interpretation. By using the stories of maotou ji, the author hopes to find an interpretive principle which can be used in our dealing with such supernatural stories.
