  • 期刊


Application of Shulman's Pedagogical Reasoning and Action Framework on the Teaching of Informational Text among Junior High School Chinese Teachers




The study investigated ten junior high school Chinese teachers' instructional implementation and thought processes regarding informational text instruction (ITI) during the transition of the national curriculum policy. By applying Shulman et al.'s three-layered conceptual framework of pedagogical reasoning and action, the author aimed to unpack the participating teachers' ideals and interpretations of ITI and uncover how they transferred informational texts to become teachable lessons. The author drew three conclusions based on teacher interviews, classroom observations, and teaching plan analysis. First, both individual and policy level factors in the past decade have reinforced Chinese teachers' implementation of ITI in school education. However, additional community and environmental supports are crucial to teachers' professional development with respect to ITI. Second, teachers have leveraged the power of "splitting the instruction of reading strategies and content of ITI", "multiple representation", and "interest and experience-based text selection" as key ITI strategies. Third, systematic and organized in-service or pre-service training for ITI will better equip Chinese teachers in developing bifocal curricula for reading and writing. The above findings call for nation-wide and large-scale research to survey teachers' ITI readiness, so that the new 12-Year Basic Education Curriculum Guidelines' interdisciplinary integrated curriculum can be put into realization via ITI.


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