  • 期刊


The Cancer-Child Homecare Experiences of Primary Caregivers after Discharge from the First Phase of Chemotherapy




Background: With the increasing success in treating cancers and the shortened length of cancer‐related hospitalization, the primary caregivers for children with cancer must increasingly provide post‐discharge care of their children at home. However, the demands of being vigilant with regard to the side effects of treatment, providing adequate nutrition, and preventing infection in these children after returning home place high levels of stress and emotional burden on the primary caregivers. Purpose: The purpose of this descriptive qualitative study was to understand the experiences of primary caregivers in providing initial care at home to their children with newly diagnosed cancer after the first round of chemotherapy. Methods: In this descriptive qualitative study, in‐depth interviews with 15 primary caregivers were conducted. Results: The results revealed the following three themes and 10 sub‐themes. Theme one: chaos in home life (sub‐themes: family life characterized by busyness and fluster, exhaustion resulting from attempting to take control over all aspects of homecare, and inability to attend to the needs of other family members). Theme two: lack of confidence in the ability to provide home care (sub‐themes: concerns regarding the safety of the home environment, apprehensions about food selection and preparation, and worries about assisting in administering medications/injections). Theme three: taking ownership and making adjustments to provide care (sub‐themes: providing care independently, fears about potential emergency situations, feelings of helplessness in encountering physical or psychological changes in his/her child, and learning to make positive adjustments with thankfulness). Conclusions/Implications for Practice: The participants experienced their highest levels of stress during the first week, especially during the first 3 days after hospital discharge. Thus, the first 3 days after discharge is the optimal time for healthcare professionals to proactively provide care and resolve potential problems. The confidence of participants to provide effective care increased with time as they gradually adapted to the changes. These findings offer healthcare providers insight into providing quality post‐discharge care for children with cancer.


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