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The Application of Biomechanical Parameters for Running Shoe Design


目的:本研究以生物力學觀點為基礎,進行跑鞋的研發設計。針對跑鞋的基本功能及動作功能,轉換為跑鞋的研發設計的概念,並導入跑步支撐期(support time)足底壓力中心(Centre of pressures ,COP)軌跡作為跑鞋研發設計主軸。方法:本研究分為三大階段,首先進行功能性設計階段,針對後跟避震、中足支撐、前掌回彈及足底壓力中心軌跡等功能性設計;第二階段進行科學驗證階段,確認跑鞋避震性、壓力中心軌跡等數值,是否有達到預期的功能設定;最後試穿驗證階段安排專業試穿員,分別進行耐用性測試及穿著感受測試。結果:功能性驗證得知實驗鞋一的撞擊力量為1.36(BW)及最大負荷率為79.57(BW/s);大底運動軌跡與COP軌跡設計大致吻合;具有較佳的足壓分佈及減少壓力峰值的發生;根據試穿員的試穿意見反饋進行多次修正調整,最終確認完成功能性及材料設定。結論:跑鞋研發設計可以導入足底壓力中心軌跡的生物力學觀點,並透過材料設定結合外觀結構設計可以達到兼具外觀與功能性設計的產品,增加產品的附加價值,並協助台灣傳統運動產業提升研發設計能力。

Parallel abstracts

Purpose: The aim of this study was to apply the biomechanical parameter for running shoe design. To analyze basic & motion functional parameters of the running shoe and design characteristics, than to transform the research concepts such as the centre of pressures trajectory to running shoe design. Methods: This study applied three steps to make sure to enhance the performance of running shoe, the first step, functional design such as rear-foot cushion, mid-foot stable, fore-foot energy return & centre of pressures trajectory; the second step, measured peak vertical ground reaction force, maximum loading rate during cushion tests; applied force platform to analyze centre of pressures trajectory & plantar pressure distribution; the third step, perception test to check the shoe performance. Results: According to the experiment shoe no.1, the peak GRF was 1.36 (BW), maximum loading rate was 79.57 (BW/s), COP trajectory matched the functional design, which indicated that plantar pressure distribution & peak pressure were reduced. Finally, the functional design parameters were accepted by perception test. Conclusions: This study demonstrated the centre of pressures trajectory model using the biomechanical concept to design the running shoe. Integration material characteristics and structure design were used to improve the functional product which can add product value and elevate the R&D ability in Taiwan.


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