Purpose: Monitoring the amount of activity allows players and coaches to clearly know the cumulative load of the matches and help the players avoid injury. In recent years, soccer and football have begun to monitor the amount of player activity with accelerometers, which are convenient and accurate. In contrast, volleyball still lacks of related sports monitor. Method: The purpose of this study was to test the feasibility of its application in volleyball. Participants of different positions wore accelerometers on the outside ankle during one match, one scrimmage match and one practice. Result: The result was comparable to prior research on the characteristics of motion in volleyball, in which low intensity activity occupied more than 50% of physical activities across all positions. The setter had the highest physical demand in the match and the libero had the most amount of rest. Conclusion: Using the acceleration signal to quantify the player load and exercise intensity, the difference between players in different positions in different situations can be distinguished. These differences are also consistent with the characteristics of volleyball movements pointed out in previous studies, and the feasibility of quantifying volleyball by accelerometers can be seen.