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Management Information Systems Issues: Co-Citation Analysis of Journal Articles


This study aimed to analyze and identify key issues being studied in leading Management Information Systems (MIS) journals collected in an ISI database. With the help of co-citation analysis and factor analysis, thirteen core issues were identified, including: (1) Technology Acceptance; (2) Information Technology (IT), Organization Performance, and Competitive Advantage; (3) IT and Organizational Structure; (4) Case Study and Methodology Issues; (5) Trust Issues in IT; (6) Knowledge Management; (7) Measurement Issues in MIS study; (8) Diffusion of Innovation; (9) Success Factors of IT; (10) Research Modeling and Approach; (11) Theory, Research and Practice; (12) MIS as an academic discipline; and (13) Enterprise Information Systems. These results can help MIS researchers and practitioners gain a better awareness of core and significant issues being studied in the field.


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