  • 期刊


Total Performance Evaluation of the Building Management Company


本研究首先透過專家訪談來瞭解目前公寓大廈管理維護產業現況及績效評估之內涵;其次利用李克特量表對其評估因子作一篩選;其三,運用明示結構法(Interpretive structural modeling,ISM)及平衡計分卡(Balanced Scorecard,BSC)的概念對影響經營績效評估因子進行分類;其四,採用模糊層級分析法(Fuzzy Analytic HierarchyProcess,FAHP)運算權重並將其納入評估模式,最後利用本研究建構的「公寓大廈管理維護公司整體經營績效評估模式」,評估比較五家公司,透過各公司重視度及自評比較,驗證公寓大廈管理維護公司整體經營績效評估模式之合理性分析。研究結果顯示,D公司的整體經營績效得分最高,A公司最低。五家公司在顧客關係構面得分最高;其次為財務表現構面;最差為學習成長構面,此與傳統績效評估著重財務指標的觀念極為不同。本產業因屬高度顧客導向之行業,該行業員工自然不會輕忽顧客構面之各項評估因子。


This study first conducts the expert interviews to obtain the comprehensive of current situation for the apartment building management maintenance industry and the contents of performance evaluation; Next, the study uses Likert Scale to screen evaluation factors; Third, the study utilizes the Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) and Balanced Score Card (BSC) to classify the evaluation factors of performance; Fourth, the study uses the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) to calculate the weight of the evaluation aspects and factors; Finally, the model proposed by the study is used to evaluate the overall performance of five apartment building management maintenance companies. The robustness of the proposed model is validated via the five companies' comparison of value and self- evaluation. D company obtains the highest overall performance scores while A company has the lowest one. Of the four aspects, the aspect of customer relationship scores the highest while the aspect of learning and growth scores the lowest one. It seems that the traditional finance oriented performance evaluation is unsuitable for this profession. This is possibly resulted from the highly customer oriented industry.


黃俊欽(2013)。物業管理服務與居民幸福感關聯性之研究 -以利他行為為干擾變數探討〔碩士論文,國立臺北大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0023-1507201311152400
