  • 期刊

台灣黑枕藍鶲(Hypothymis azurea)的鳥巢形值與巢材

Nest Materials and Measurements of the Black-Naped Monarch (Hypothymis azurea) in Taiwan


本研究測量及檢視36個於2007-2008年繁殖季期間,由雲林縣林內鄉及斗六市採集而來的黑枕藍鶲(Hypothymis azurea)鳥巢的形值及巢材。黑枕藍鶲鳥巢的外徑長、外徑寬、內徑長、內徑寬、巢外高及巢內深的平均值及SE分別爲66.9±0.88mm、58.6±0.83mm、52.8±0.70mm、45.1±0.52mm、67.3±2.22mm及29.9±0.98mm。鳥巢乾重則爲3.3g(SE=0.17)。竹葉是黑枕藍鶲最重要的巢材,其在鳥巢的出現率爲100%,另占乾重的72.2%,其餘出現率大於50%的巢材種類包括苔蘚(100%)、絲(100%)、樹皮(83.3%)、吹棉介殼蟲(Icerya purchasi) (72.2%)、樹葉(66.7%)及小皮傘屬(Marasmius spp.)菌絲束(58.3%)等。


We measured and examined building materials of 36 nests of the black-naped monarch (Hypothymis azurea). They were collected from a hilly area covered predominantly with bamboo forests and secondary growth broad-leaf trees in the west-central Taiwan, 2007 to 2008. The measurements (mean ± SE, mm) were 66.9±0.88 for the maximum nest diameters, 58.6±0.83 for the minimum nest diameters, 58.6±0.83 for the maximum cup diameters, 45.1±0.52 for the minimum cup diameters, 67.3±2.22 for the nest depths and 29.9±0.98 for the cup depths. The dried nest weights were 3.3±0.17g. Bamboo leaves were found in all the nests, occupying 72.2% of the dried nest weight; they were the most important nest building materials. The other materials that occurred more than 50% of nests were moss (100%), silk (100%), barks (83.3%), cottony cushion scale (Icerya purchasi) (72.2%), tree leaves (66.7%), and horsehair fungus (Marasmius spp.) (58.3%).
