  • 期刊


A Research on Implicit and Explicit Measurement of Preferences for Visual Sexual Stimuli among Male and Female


本研究旨在探究男女性對於性刺激偏好,是否存有普遍既存於過去與現代社會的觀點,即男性是否比女性偏好性慾刺激,而女性則比男性更偏好浪漫刺激?由於過去對於測量性刺激偏好都是以自我報告外顯問卷進行調查,然而男女性對於性刺激偏好除了認知、情感與行為成分外,還同時存在著內隱與外顯兩種態度。因此本研究工具同時使用內隱聯結測驗(implicit association test)與問卷調查法,比較男女性在性刺激偏好之內隱與外顯態度上的差異。研究結果顯示男女性刺激偏好之內隱態度並沒有明顯差異,無論男性或女性皆為浪漫刺激偏好。但在性刺激偏好之外顯態度(對性慾的看法)上卻有明顯差異,其中男性比女性更為正向。然而,對於性刺激偏好之外顯態度(對浪漫的渴望程度)男女卻無明顯差別。此外,研究結果亦顯示性別角色態度為「高工具高表達」之受試者,其性刺激偏好之外顯態度(對浪漫的渴望程度)之重視程度明顯高於性別角色態度為「高工具低表達」之受試者。由研究結果發現透過內隱態度的測量出現了不同於自我報告外顯態度的結果,男女性雙方對於在愉悅情境下的浪漫刺激比性慾刺激的關聯性更加強烈,挑戰了男性喜歡性慾刺激多過浪漫刺激的一個共同假設。


The purpose of this study is to research the male and female sexual stimulation preference for whether there is the existing general views of the past and modern society. That is whether men have stronger preference for sexual stimulation as compared to women, and the women have stronger preference for romantic stimulation as compared to men? In the past, the preference is for measuring sexual stimulation relied on the self-report explicit questionnaire to investigate. But men's and women's preference for sexual stimulation are not only the cognition, emotion and behavioral component but also simultaneous existence of two kinds of implicit and explicit attitudes. Therefore, this research used the implicit association test and questionnaires method to compare with men and women in the sexual stimulation implicit and explicit preferences of differences in attitude. Results revealed that both men and women more strongly associated romantic images to the pleasant condition than they associated the sexual images to the pleasant condition in implicit attitudes. But, in explicit attitudes, men had a stronger preference toward sexual stimuli compared to women. However, women had not a stronger preference toward romantic stimuli compared to men. Our study challenges a common assumption that men prefer sexual over romantic stimuli. The findings indicate that measures of implicit attitudes may tap preferences that are not apparent in studies relying on self-reported (explicit) attitudes.


